Copper | Molybdenum
The property is located in the Department of Lima, about 112 km south east of the city of Lima.
The Rio Bravo project, 100% owned by Condor, consists of two concessions, acquired by staking and sealed bid auction in late 2021, and early 2022, with a total area of 20 sq km. It is situated approximately 140 km south-east of Lima. Rio Bravo is prospective for porphyry copper and molybdenum.
Previous work:
The Rio Bravo project has been explored previously by a major mining company, which included 5,500+ m of diamond drilling which was successful in demonstrating significant copper and molybdenum mineralization.
Subsequently,, Condor geologists performed a sampling and mapping program focusing on the outcrops of porphyry-type assemblages.
Rio Bravo is located in the Cretaceous-Tertiary belt, of the Copper molybdenum porphyries, in South Central Peru, with many occurrences confirmed with mineralization, which are currently still being explored.
The district geology consists of sedimentary rocks such as limestone, sandstone, which would be from the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous, and in the upper parts of the project, andesitic volcanics, which would be of Cretaceous age.
And to these I intrude stocks of granitoids, which would be part of the Coastal Batholith, of undifferentiated ages of Cretasico-Lower Tertiary. And to all this geology I intrude porphyries of feldspars and horblendes of undifferentiated ages. That these would show with the alteration and mineralization a Hydro-Magmatic center, which generated the porphyry type system.
The alteration and mineralization has mainly developed in igneous rocks such as feldspar and horblende porphyries, as well as in granodiorite, with halos that encompass sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
Copper-molybdenum mineralization is associated in typical alterations of porphyry assemblages, quartz, sercite, secondary biotite, with Pyrite, chalcopyrite, and bornite, both disseminated and in stockworks, of multi-event quartz veinlets, and sulfides.